Selected Work (5)

Real-time Repair Tracking: Solving tickets faster

Building a real time tracking platform from the ground up using latest technologies to fix the gap between users and repair company.

  • Next.js
  • Tailwind CSS
  • shadcn/ui
  • Zod
  • SWR
LockSee Case Study
TCS Computers

IT Service Management App

Design a seamless, multi-platform application suite that enhances and streamlines IT support management across various systems.

  • UI/UX Design
  • Design System
LockSee Case Study


A complete IT support solution for small and medium-sized businesses, offering efficient communication, collaboration, and control to streamline operations.

  • Visual Design
  • Illustrations
  • Logo Design
View Project

Photographer Portfolio

Designed and developed a stylish photography portfolio website with light and dark mode, featuring a responsive layout that showcases images beautifully and effectively attracts future wedding clients.

  • Web Design
  • Wordpress
LockView Project

Askit Brand Design

Developed a distinctive branding design for an IT solutions platform, highlighting answers and resolutions for various IT situations.

  • Branding
  • Illustrations
  • Brand Style Guide
View Project